Dear customers,

As we are all aware, COVID-19 is currently increasing in the UK, as well as many countries around the world.   As our guests, want you to be confident in the knowledge that we have procedures in place for our staff to ensure that we are able to prevent and reduce the risk of being affected by the virus as much as we are able, and that the health and well-being of our team and customers is our main priority.

Our staff are fully aware of the requirements for keeping our standards of hygiene as high as possible throughout every aspect of our premises.  Any member of staff who has family, friends, or themselves, recently returned from affected areas have been told not to come into their place of work and inform us immediately so that we are able to take action and follow guidance given by the Government and the NHS.

Please be assured that we are following all official advice given and will continue to follow any progress or changes to information on a daily basis, so that we are able to make any changes necessary with immediate effect.

Should you have any questions please contact us via email which can be found for each of our sites on our websites.

Thank you for your ongoing support and help with this matter, and we look forward to seeing you soon

Kind regards

The Boathouse Group

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January offer - FREE hire of the courtyard and gin bar for parties.
Our new venue, the Coach and Horses Kibworth will be opening on Friday 29th September!